Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Travel Out Of State Quarantine Is Still In Effect For New Jersey


Nurse Nancy Higgins' Health Corner


Travel Out Of State Quarantine Is Still In Effect For New Jersey


Dear SJS Families, 

Presently there is still a travel out of state quarantine in effect for New Jersey.  This does not affect travel to NY, PA or CT, but to date, all other states remain under the rule. This could change at any time, if we hear of any changes we will notify you right away so you can make any travel plans necessary. 


If you are planning to travel please notify us in writing or email so we can help the teachers plan their zoom lessons.  The 10 day period begins from the first day you return to NJ. There is NO testing permitted to shorten or avoid this 10 day rule and you do not have to Covid test to return to in person learning once you complete the 10 days in quarantine, even if your child became ill with Covid symptoms. This applies to any means of transportation to your destination. 


Again as anything changes we will notify you right away.

Best Regards, 

Nurse Nancy, RN


If you have any questions - please call 201-261-2388