Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Order Your Child's Fall School Supplies ONLINE and Help SJS!

 Order Your Child's Fall School Supplies ONLINE and Help SJS!
Below please find the details and instructions to order the 2020-2021 school supplies online.  We are using the same vendor as last year, Yubbler, and the majority of the supplies needed can be ordered from them online. (There are very few items not available  that must be purchased separately).
     Items purchased through Yubbler will be shipped the next day directly to your home.  You can customize your order to purchase only the items you need, i.e. if you already have the Spanish/English dictionary, you do not have to purchase it again.  
Yubbler will donate 50% of the profits back to our school!
There is no deadline to place your order, however, the sooner you place the order, the better.  
Click here for the School Supply List for each grade.
Click here  for a letter explaining how to order from Yubbler.   To place your order, go to:  https://www.yubbler.com/Yub/Details/19625
If you have any questions, please feel free to send an email to: sjsschoolsupplies@gmail.com