Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Message from Sonia Labozzetta, PTO President

Another school year at SJS has come to a close and this one has been anything but normal.  On behalf of the PTO Board, I would like to thank you for your support throughout the year.  Without your generous financial support and donations of your time, we would not be able to sponsor programs or provide activities that benefit the school staff and students.  In addition to traditional PTO-sponsored events, this year we were able to sponsor the Weather Assembly and purchase iPads for the Technology Program and a freezer for the LS cafeteria.  I would also like to make the following acknowledgments:

• Thank you to our PTO team:  Elaina DeVardo, Darren Rosen, AnnaMaria Gugliotta, Denise Pertuz, Rosemary Fernandez, Sheri Dennehy and Frances Santos.  These individuals work year-round to make our school community thrive.

• Thank you to our school administrators, teachers, staff, our parish priests and staff and our School Advisory Board for everything you do to promote the education and well-being of children.

• Thank you and a sad farewell to Darren Rosen who has served as the PTO Treasurer and chaired many events over the past several years.  We will miss your many talents, your presence and your British accent.  I am sure we will be recruiting you as MC for many future events.   Welcome to Scott Young who will be taking on the Treasurer position.  

• Congratulations to our Class of 2020 8th Grade Graduates!  I am so sorry that you were unable to experience the traditional 8th Grade events but am thankful you were able to spend quality time with your families before you venture off to high school.  We will miss seeing your smiling faces at SJS.  

• Congratulations to our PK and Kindergarten Graduates!  Great things ahead!

• Welcome to our new SJS families.  We look forward to welcoming you into our SJS community.