Tuesday, November 10, 2020

PTO Meeting 11/10/20 - Principal's Report


Class Parents & Zoom 

November 10, 2020 

Principal’s Report

  1. The Grade 8 Movie Night held Friday, November 6th was a success! Students enjoyed the sounds of a terrific DJ and the movie ELF! Special thanks for the Petrella family for their donations that made this event possible for our grade 8 students. Thanks to those who chaperoned, too!

  2. Trunk or Treat was rescheduled to Friday, November 6th and it was a great afternoon activity to end the week. Teachers and students also gathered treats for remote learners, too! We ask that remote learners pick-up their treat bags from the school main offices.

  3. SJS will welcome a new Business Manager who will transition to the team over the next two to three weeks. Mrs. Ann Sundstrom will join the SJS team.

  4. The Pampered Chef Fundraiser has ended; SJS stands to earn a little over $2,000. Grade 8 has won the pizza party sponsored by the sales representative. 

  5. SJS will hold its Thanksgiving Prayer Service on Wednesday, 11/25 inside the church with Grades K-2 at 9am, Grades 3 -5 at 10 am and Grades 6 - 8 at 11 am. Teachers are preparing activities for their students to share at each prayer meeting. Remote learners will participate via zoom.

  6. SJS still awaits its camera order, chromebook laptops and security doors. 

  7. SJS continues to practice its fire and security drills observing CDC and NJDOE guidelines during this pandemic.

  8. Beta Club induction is scheduled for Monday, November 16th at 1:30 pm. The ceremony will be live streamed via zoom for parents and their guests.

  9. Students in grades 5 - 8 will begin serving adoration this month. Classes are scheduled for approximately 30 - 40 minute sessions inside the church.

  10.  Congratulations to our teachers who wrote Visions Loves Educators grants this year: Mrs. Cara Zakian, Music teacher, Miss Mary Lee, Kindergarten teacher, and Mrs. Kelly Potter, Grade 2 teacher are all recipients of the program. 

  11.  Students in grades 5 - 8 are working on essays for the Elks Club competition. The topic for this year’s essays is: “What Does Freedom of Speech Mean to Me?”