Wednesday, October 14, 2020

PTO Meeting - Principal's Report - 10/13/2020



Class Parents & Zoom 

October 13, 2020 

Principal’s Report

  1. Welcome to all the new parents and Class Parents who will work together this year for the benefit of our students. We are appreciative of your efforts. 

  2. A special THANK YOU to all the volunteers who came forward to help paint 2 Upper School classrooms. The project will finish up this week, ahead of schedule. Special thanks to Mr. Scott Young who coordinated the volunteers. Volunteers worked throughout the school day and into some of the night to accomplish this task. SJS students and staff are grateful and appreciative of your efforts! THANK YOU!

  3. MAP testing continues this week with grades 2 through 8 being assessed in Language Arts, Reading and Math. SJS is not testing remote learners as the school has no way of controlling the testing environment. Additionally, SJS is not testing Science and Social Studies. 

  4. SJS had a smooth transition of teachers when the Middle School LA teacher resigned in early October. Ms. Lorraine Logerfo has replaced Ms. Trias and we warmly welcome her to this new position at SJS! SJS is grateful to have replaced a FT position at the point of departure. 

  5. SJS has ordered 60 chromebooks and is also in the process of ordering additional technology utilizing carryover IDEA funds.

  6. The school will be looking at its current Science books and begin discussion about replacing the textbooks. 

  7. SJS is still awaiting delivery of its cameras for use with remote learners. Corporate Technologies anticipates a shipment tomorrow, Wednesday, October 14th.

  8. The remote learner experience has been moving on and we are working through technology difficulties as they arise. We are grateful for everyone's understanding and support during this pandemic.

  9. SJS enrollment is at 201 students; we welcomed another grade 7 student last week. 

  1. A Halloween letter detailing how the school will handle Halloween this year is forthcoming.

  2. Pizza lunch is tomorrow, Wednesday, October 14th

  3. SJS does a deep clean every Wednesday after school hours. We use the UV Light sanitizer and the electrostatic spray disinfectant, along with old fashioned elbow grease. 

  4. Parents are reminded to provide their student with a clean fresh facial mask every day and to equip the student with an additional mask in the backpack.

  5. SJS continues to interview for open positions. Todate, we are in the process of hiring two PT Maintenance positions. Interviews for a PT PreK 4 Teacher Assistant are ongoing. 

  6. The Principal’s Pampered Chef fundraiser is up and running through to October 30, 2020. If you have not yet placed an order please consider doing so. Here is the link: