Hackensack Meridian Health
To register visit:
or call: 800-560-9990
Safe at Home by
Safe Sitter Webinar - For children ages 4 - 6 to be safe at home when alone.
September 9th 6:30 pm - 7:30 -pm and October 3rd 10 am - 11 am
Safe Sitter Webinar: For boys and girls ages 11 - 14. August 24th & 26th 190 am
- 12:30 pm
Back to School Webinar: Join Moses Olorunnisola, M.D. as he
addresses questions and concerns parents may have as children venture
back to school. August 26th 11 am - 12 noon
Healthy Choices Series Webinar: For moms/guardians and their 6th - 7th and 8th grade
daughters. August 27th 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm and September 23rd 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm
and October 14th 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm.
Emotional First-Aid: Simple techniques to empower, decrease effects of stress and
trauma. September 16th 12 noon - 1 pm or 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm. Location: Debra
Simon Center for Integrative Medicine, *87 Route 17 North, Maywood, NJ.
Healthy Can Be Tasty!: Registered dietitians and chefs share new ways to change up
simple recipes while keeping them healthy! September - October 12 noon - 1:00
pm at YMCA, 691 Wyckoff Ave., Wyckoff, NJ