Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Ask Congress to Include Aid for Catholic School Families in Stimulus

Ask Congress to Include Aid
for Catholic School Families in Stimulus
Dear Families, Friends, and Supporters: 
Please read and click through to our Voter Voice system (shown below) to put your message in front of Congress!  
THE ISSUE: Congress is debating the next round of Stimulus Funding. Families who attend Catholic Schools are struggling to pay tuition and schools are scrambling to meet additional expenses of COVID-19. Catholic school communities have been severely impacted by COVID-19. Private schools, including Catholic Schools serve 10% of all K-12 students in the United States. 
THE ASK: 1. That private school students receive Equity in COVID-19 relief services offered to public schools; 2. Tuition assistance for struggling families; and 3. Tax deductions or credits for families' education expenses to help in the struggle to pay for school tuition now. 
THE ACTION: Please click here to go to Voter Voice-NJ Catholic Conference and follow the prompts on NJ Catholic Conference's Voter Voice. In just a few clicks, you can ask Congress to help our Catholic School Families stay in their Catholic schools. 
THE RATIONALE: Catholic schools save taxpayers millions of dollars. COVID-19 has gravely impacted finances of families and schools alike. Keeping 10% of all K-12 students in private schools helps families choose the education that works best for their children while saving significant money and strain of overcrowding for public schools.
PLEASE CLICK HERE NOW--Voter Voice-NJ Catholic Conference
Thank you for answering the call to support our students by advocating for them!